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I} JB|,A#Pd#DE 1 HI BDEHHII 1 B 1 , 1 <0,0Lf- B VJ},A#P, 1 <0 0L#L ߢ) 1* 1 ~0Yj383}mm ݭK}}`8}``|* ? ɛ,`|:(|/ 1L `DESTINATION CANT L}BE DOS.SYS0 0H{ $22Δ $28/L /) $2 Π $2 0 ξM}hAΞB,0 J 1 BޝDEHI,HDE 1HIHIDELSAVE-N}GIVE FILE,START,END(,INIT,RUN)O X0 1`BDEPHI V` X0H 1 L O}0 0 1L0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL <0 1L0LA1 ,;ɛ7,"ɛ:ݦ1ݥP}A"D|ݤD|ȩ:|ȩ|ɛ,,(/+.ީ1 1,ɛ`轤{Q}NAME TOO LONG B VL ` L1I H1EӝDL1|mDiE` V0`8d/8 i:"2!22 1R} L ERROR- 144ɛ+,' 20*.. өw2 1``2TOO MANY DIGITSINVALIDS} HEXADECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D41uT} HEXADECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D41uEiͩkΩ͙kCop j`j {j`Hi͝Νh`V}L"UNEM:D"NURͩkΩ͙kCop j`j {j`Hi͝Νh` 12h w XLAPNB0 D + X}26-?:C:hhhԩ`,<A6,DAdAUuAA'A 9AAK@@ Y}]@@7c(}uAR@++(#++(#| Antic Monthly Disk, NOV. Z}1989 |++(#( | Side 'A' |++(# @ [}-@A $ GG;@@,;@ ,;@@,;A,;@,;@@, "D1:MENU" && \}@@D:*.* 6,6." 6 @0i6-%@(6.7@<@ ]},A67@ <@ ,..i67@<@,.7@<@,3 6.|67B:,%@,.367B:,%@,.G67 ^}@<@,.(--@B:,:7<,4 G67<,..] 6.=:, @D67@<@,.7@<@ _},]67@<@,.0$@(''7@<@,4FREE@- @ 2() < `}@F''7@<@,4FREE@K @ P(7@<@,)|U @0W'!-@6+' a}@,%@' |Z++(#| |[ ( |  |\++(# b}d**(" Select HELP.BAS for information.xAR[@@9'-@@#C( c} FILE NUMBERM A0Q[ BP:,A00"@&6.7@<@,0 AELB6.7+& d}@,$@%@<+&@,$@%@,L B37@<@,4 36.7@<@,!7@ e}<@,4DOS!.0 6.-@B:,07<,4 AH67B:,%@,.7<,   6.! 6.D1:! f}67B:,%@,.?AR@'-@@"?  LOADING ? A@@91@@ g}5%? B[-@@"-  CANNOT RUN 7 @LF:A,"@![% D:HELP.BAS B h} A0D2:MENU D + 8(LINEA ;A ,;@,; (}@;@@ D:DOC.TXTj} A(@2vB:,!@-7@<@,4XXX0(3(E-@@"Y(ӠΠf@k}l(}v @@<( @@dj@ B*-@@"R("ΠҠՠҠˠҠ_@l}j%D:MENU D1:HELP.BAS.BAS;@,; (}@;@@ D:DOC.TXT6 WELCOME TO THE ANTIC MONTHLY DISK (c)1989 Antic Publishing Inc.Most of the programn}s on this disk arewritten in Atari BASIC. Some requirespecial hardware or specific operatinginstructions. Please read the o}matchingissue of ANTIC Magazine for completedocumentation.SUBSCRIPTION Info & Orders:(800) 347-6969.BACK ISSUE Orders:p} (800) 234-7001(Visa or Mastercard only, please.)XXX *** INSTRUCTIONS ***Program PCPRINT.BAS will create afile q}PCPRINT.COM. COPY this file toanother disk containing DOS 2.0, andRENAME it AUTORUN.SYS. Henceforth,you can boot your compr}uter with thisdisk and print IBM files.NOTE: since our disk is nearly full,you might have to COPY PCPRINT.BASto another ds}isk before running it!ORGAN.SND and CLARINET.SND are soundfiles playable with SOCREATE.BAS.XXX *** MASSIVE DISK BOt}NUS *** ...on side "B" of your disk! i zzzz MM MMM MMM MM ____MMMu}MMMMMMUUMMM \ | \ o o o o o o o | \ | AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAv}AA GAME OF NAVAL BATTLEXXXSide "B" contains an exellent battle-ship-like game by a US Army MajorJohn Hutchinw}son. Just boot your computer with side "B" of this diskand... GO SINK 'EMXXXThe menu that appeared on thex} screenwhen you booted the disk will onlyRUN programs with a .BAS extender.If you try to run a program and theresponse isy} 'cannot run Filename',check the file extender with thislist:XXX.BAS BASIC saved program, use menu RUN or LOAD z}and RUN..LST BASIC listed program, ENTER then RUN..EXE Assembly language 'Load and Go' file. Remove BASIC{}, boot DOS, type L then enter the filename..CTB Compiled Turbo Basic program. See the corresponding a|}rticle for complete information..M65 "SAVEd" MAC/65 assembly language source code. Must be compiled.}}XXX.OBJ Machine language object file. Same as .EXE but not 'Load and Go'. See corresponding article..SYS~} Reserved for DOS system files..TXT Text file. Usually accessed by another program..ACT ACTION! language sourc}e code. Must be compiled..LGO A Logo program. Requires the Logo cartridge.XXXAll programs from ANTIC is}"#YoASLSHELEHSTOTADDDDD } d*******************n* PC PRINT *x* BY JOHN WEST **} 5-24-89 ********************##(C)1989 ANTIC PUBLISHING INC.S +'0@@}A0@S@;( ( (((((((;( àԠ@!( } BY ΠԠ@( 㩠Ǡ@@!(!(PLEASE INSERT THE DISK(YOU WISH TO PLACE}(PCPRINT.COM ONTO AND(PRESS ANY KEY...;#@@K:0)@;@..@}@ D:PCPRINT.COM A-@A"", 6-%6*@@ JB `}AT@Y@@^( SUCCESSFUL!(ERROR IN DATA!@@@_}_255,255,0,6,103,6,162,0,189,26,3,201,80,240,5,232,232,232,208,244,189,27,3,133,203,189,28JJ3,133,204,169,64,157,27,3,16}9,6,157,28,3,160,15,177,203,153,64,6,136II192,255,208,246,160,6,169,80,56,233,1,153,64,6,169,6,233,0,153,65,65596,0,0},0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,201,13,208,5JJ169,0,76,101,6,201,10,240,3,76,101,6,169,155,76,101,6,76,203,254,224$2,22}5,2,0,6D2:PCPRINT.BASSTOTADDDDD HIllRAMP1P2N1N2CSMOVEZEROSUBCURSORDLISP1SP2SN1SN2TFWTTCD1CD2CD3CD4WSUBCSCA1CA2CA3CA4T}1T2T3T4BNNAXLOMCPCNRRRRTPNCPCNRRPNLLBAXYXPOYPORIGHTRWRONRESUBSUBGIVEEANLM}MCPWWITTEMPTEMPMXMXMXMXCOYMYOYMYOYMYOYMYDYDYDYDYBREADNU}@@ @}@@ !"#}$%&'()*+,-./012}3456789:;<=>?@AB}CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ}RSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`a}bcdefghijklmnopq}rstuv**** CHEMISTRY TUTOR ******** >V. 1.3< ******** BY JOHN }KENNEDY ****$$(C) 1989 ANTIC PUBLISHING, INC06-F:A,&@&A0+ ;@ ,;@ ,};@ ,;@ ,9@,9@<@,;@U,;@@,;@,;@,;A,RR;@,;}@,;@,;@,;@@,9@,;@ ,RR;@ ,;@,;@,;@,;A,9}@,9@,(h;@,;@,;@,;@,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@8,p}6. 67@8,. 67@,.-?6-@96-@A?39 POSITIVE, 41 NEGATIVE IONS.2AA6.7hhhhhh}hϠˑ`76.<226.(hhhhh͠`AZZ6.P6 66>>0>><`|f<~ 0<FJ6-F:A,&@&6-B2H2BBy}@6-AV$J AeK446-?:C:,THIOCYANATE,SCN,1,1,58.1HSELENATE,SeO4,2,1,143RSELENIDE,Se,2,0,79\""FERRICYANIDE,Fe(CN)6},3,1,212f""FERROCYANIDE,Fe(CN)6,4,1,212pCYANATE,OCN,1,1,42zPHOSPHIDE,P,3,0,31NITRIDE,N,3,0,14TARTRAT}E,C4H4O6,2,1,148!!WRITE AND BALANCE EQUATIONS Ab+-@@+(BALANCE EQUATION%-@@}! 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Try again!!T-@@PX h6-@ AB%6-@/ AB9 AGC AgO6}-[6-^'h A # Ag6-@# ABHAQ@'-@@ H(Equati}on correctly balanced."@$,-@@",(Try again? (Y/N) "P@.@@}K:;)@F@P Au,"@:Y,)"@:y,A6"@:N,)"@:n,$@ ApTITLE SCRE}ENt6.I6-?:C:,KB2X@'B2Y@9B2P}AKB2QA6H-@@(R(-@@((\(-@@((John K}ennedyf(-@@((p AhzC6-?:C:,<B2H<@,=6-?:C:,<%A<A9,C(}}$ MENU mB2V@'A@6A0@@@[0@@@mAR@} k56-?:C:,U -@@ Z @A&_ "@}!B2H3B2IEA#@WB2wiAY@4s+A@d}d II+&@,'@%@ApAsA'AA)n AY'B2H9B2I}KB2Pi6-?:C:,<%A<A,s+AY@F6-@x A% CHEMICAL FOR}MULAS Ab )-@@)(WRITE FORMULAS %-@@! AB%  a6-6--}-@@>( Խ P-@@a( ǽ  G AR6-6-%6-+6.16.76-=}6-G A@  6.AR t-@"(FORMULA:4-@@ B(  T-@"}^(===>btAR@ 4A'P 4A' s6-%@!@/-@@I(CORREC}T FORMULA IS S AF_6-@i ABs A' \'6-@1 AB; AP\SEE WH}AT IS WRONG WITH FORMULA 6-@ Z-@@($ AF06-@: ABF6-@P ABZ A'}U 6-@ AB (6-%@ L"@!-@@)(;-@)@B(L A(} \6-%@&"@1-@@8(J-@)@R(\ A( C6-!-@@}((>:,:-@)@C(>:&,  @A'@ ,-@@,(TRY AGAIN? 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(}A @.A00('00(%}'!!(Check (N)ame or (D)ates?;#@@K:0)@;%}@$>:,4N$.>:,4DA08-@@B A@LΛV Ԡ` (>:,%}( Initializingj-@@t-@@ ~68<,-  $қ%} A-@@)-@@0%(>:AT,) -@@)-@@%(>:AT%},) -@@"( First Name :"@"( Middle Name:"@"( Last Name :"@%} Ap(( Birthdate(Month:@ (Day :@..(&(Enter the year as 4 digits%}, ex. 1955)(Year :@ AA B( ($xŠӛ%} Ԡ-@B:,5@:7<,,!@567<,.>:@:7<,,&@2,6-@d#@:7<,,!@s#6%}-@s#@:7<,,!@#6-@68<,-@:7<,,&6.AEIOU-@@$7<,47<,%}$68<,-@  $$@ ԠJ-@B:,T!8<,"@!6-%8<,^!8<,"%}!6-%8<,h r 6-%|$ Ԡ 6.=:,?!@ ?6-A:7@<@,,%A:7@<@,%}, 6.=:,?!@ ?6-A:7@<@,,%A:7@<@,, 6.=:,U!@U6-A:7@<@%},,%A:7@<@,,%A:7@<@,,?!@ ?6-A:7@<@,,%A:7@<@,,!@ %}A!@ A0!@ AP 6-6-6-$lŠӛv 6.=:,%}?!@ ?6-A:7@<@,,%A:7@<@,,!@ A  6-%% 6.=:,__6-A:7@%}<@,,%A:7@<@,,%A:7@<@,,%A:7@<@,, 6.=:,?!@ ?6-A:7@<@%},,%A:7@<@,,!@ Ap$4Λ>( A-@AP %}C##@@E:E'A @'AH-@A R( W6.%} Soul Urge\6-$@%APf p A# (}(6.Quiescent Self6-$@%}%AQ  A# (}( 6. Expression6-$@%AR  A# (%}}( 6. Life Path6-$@%AS  A#$=-@@ =(#Ч%} AR@ 1-@@!1(徠 ##@@K%}: )@$ @) AR. >:,0P$8 @B ##@@P:E (%}@F @3(@"Analysis by the Atari Numerologist@(@G )(Subject:  )(@L  V %}@` ##@@E:j 'A @'At $ ӭ -@@ )%}-@@0%(>:AT,)  ;(Check your personal;((M)onth, (D)ay, or (Y)ear? ;#@@%}K:0)@;@ қ  A0P-@@ )-@@ %(>:AT,)  %}M-@@)-@@07(>:AT,; M-@@ ( Birthdate (Month:@ (%}Day :@! ))(!(Enter year as 4 digits ex. 1955)& (Year :@+  AA10 (( %}The Present: (Month:@D (Day :@I ))(!Enter year as 4 digits, ex. 1955)N (Year :%}@S  AA1PX  B A5] 6.Yearly Forecastb >:,4M A5Pl >:,4D A%}6v ,( (-@AP, {  (}( Λ @ ##@@%}E: 'A @'A 6-$@%AT   =-@@ =(#Ч%} AR@ 1-@@!1(徠 ##@@K%}: )@ @ AR >:,0P@% @@ ##@@%}P: (@ @3(@"Analysis by the Atari Numerologist@(@ )(Subject:  )(@%}   @@ @% ̠қ 6- A 6- $ ̠ț%} 6.Monthly Forecast 6-% A7 6-$̠ٛ6.Daily Forecast 6-%$ A%}7. 6-8$tӛ~ 6.=:,?!@ ?6-A:7@<@,,%A:7@<@,,!@ %}A7$̠ӭ$g4(@#You have an innate need to lead andg(@%direct. Until this u%}rge is satisfiedc4(@#you will never be completely happy.c(@!Alone you are courageous, strong-h6(@%}%willed and determined. However, whenh(@$you are with others these traits canI/(@make you a bit%} overbearing andI(@ domineering.$`/(@You are naturally friendly and`(@#sociable. You a%}lso have a need to c3(@"fix things when they are not quitec(@"perfect. Peace and quiet are what`/(%}@you yearn for. You are easily`(@#persuaded. Diplomacy and tact are 11(@ the trademark of yo%}ur character.$c4(@#A natural optimist, you look at thec(@!bright and cheerful side of life.f4(%}@#You possess a vivid imagination andf(@$you love to talk. Coupled with your`.(@colorful lang%}uage, you make a`(@$wonderful entertainer. However, youa0(@also tend to exagerrate things.a(@%}#When situations warrant it, you can""(@be very generous.$c5(@$You have the urge to see a job%} well-c(@ done. You cannot tolerate a job].(@left incomplete or incorrect.](@!You feel orga%}nization is the key.d1(@ You have an established routine.d(@%You cannot stand to see things wastedc2%}(@!You are against the strict inter-c(@#pretation of the law. Your word is5(@$your bond. Yo%}u also have a high setd(@!of morals which you feel everyone(@should adhere to.$d2(@!Yo%}u dream of distant and romanticd(@$lands of adventure. You seek freedoma7(@&and you can't be bothered w%}ith detailsa(@and routine. You are clever.W1(@ 'Curiosity is your lifework, andW(@versatili%}ty the byline'.$_-(@You have strong humanitarian_(@$tendencies.You wish to be of service_2(@%}!to others. You long for harmony,_(@beauty and rythmn in your life.^4(@#There is an artist lyi%}ng within you^(@that longs to be recognized.$a0(@You possess a highly developed a(@#in%}tuition.The psychic world holds ab2(@!fascination for you. One of yourb(@"greatest pleasures is observ%}ing or]0(@researching the paranormal and ](@coming to your own conclusions.33(@"You are j%}ust a bit self-indulgent.$g6(@%You admire success and wish to attaing(@#it in your chosen field. %}With yourd4(@#hardwork and determination, you mayd(@"achieve it. Quality is important.I4(@%}#You are persuasive, a natural salesI(@person.$c0(@You are a dreamer, a visionary.c(@%%}You're ideal concept of the world cang5(@$clash with harsh reality. You wouldg(@$like everyone to enjo%}y the pleasures[5(@$of life, and you would like to enjoy[(@those luxuries yourself.$%}Ԡƭc4(@#Everything you do is for a purpose.c(@!Until you have a definite goal orh6(@%p%}lan you remain uninspired. You haveh(@$a strong will and you are ambitious._3(@"However, you can also %}be too self-_(@indulgent and you cultivate an))(@attitude of superiority.$d4(@#You h%}ave a charm which makes peopled(@"want to please you. However, whenf3(@"denied your wishes, you may sc%}hemef(@%to get your ways. Despite this, your77(@&natural inclination is to help people. $ b4(@%}#You see great things to come in theb(@ future and that is where you put `1(@ your faith. Howeve%}r, there is a`(@!tendency to drift because you may 66(@%feel life has given you enough bumps.$d2%}(@!Your inherent stability makes youd(@$generally self-reliant. However, you_1(@ can find hard%}ships where they do_(@ not exist and you can be quite a(@ slave driver.$d3(@"You see%}k adventure with a carefreed(@#attitude. You don't worry about theb1(@ future or the past but of today.%}b(@#You are imaginative and make a good ))(@dreamer and/or magician.'$(a3(@"You long for%} peace and quiet. Youa(@ also possess an inner confidence)g5(@$of attaining your goals. This leadsg(&}@$to harmony with yourself. Luxury is*66(@%not necessary for you but comfort is.1$2^,(@Wh&}en alone, peace and quiet^(@$contemplation is the rule. There is3~7(@&little in the world that suprises&} you.j(@%You enjoy the quiet solitude of being~(@alone.;$<c4(@#A strong barrier protects &}you. Youc(@!can overcome most obstacles. You=a1(@ find happiness in solitude. Youa(@"manage&} your time wisely. You also>(((@enjoy solving problems.E$Fc5(@$You seek justice and will settle f&}orc(@ nothing less. You have a strongGk6(@%conscience. You can be, when at yourk(@&best, the&} epitome of the noble spirit.O$PӭZg4(@#You seek to express perfect indivi-g(@%tuali&}ty. You must learn to make your[f6(@%own decisions and to play the leader.f(@"You must use your great c&}ourage to\i6(@%be an example to the world. However,i(@%you must be careful of pride, hubris.]b0(@& }When negative, you can become ab(@$dictator. You must work in a way to^d2(@!implement your great & }originality.d(@$Do not be hindered by tradition, set_g5(@$your own standards, and take nothingg(@& }$at face value. You have the ability`Z7(@&to change the world if you follow yourZ(@natural inclinat& }ions.a$dc2(@!You possess a cooperative spirit.c(@#You are highly sympathetic and haveed4(@& }#a goodwill. You prefer to 'go withd(@"the flow'. It is easy for you to fd3(@"be in unfamiliar surrou&}ndings and d(@#meet new people. Your role is thatga5(@$of the peace maker. On the negativea(@&}side, you can be conceited andha.(@ignorant. You often give thea(@%impression that you are hypocriti&}cal.iy6(@%You should strive to be agreeable andg(@#sincere to be the diplomat that youy(@are.&}j$nc6(@%As the natural optimist, your goal isc(@to spread cheer and goodwill tooe5(@$tho&}se around you. People often seeke(@"you out to console them. However,pb1(@ you do not feel burdened by&} thisb(@#responsibility. You find happinessqb2(@!in service. You enjoy expressingb(@"yoursel&}f in both words and action.ry2(@!However, you are prone to scatterb(@"your energies and you tend to talk&}y(@ too much.sa0(@Your's is an important mission:a(@#to reveal the beauty of life in allt22&}(@!its aspects to the unenlightened.u$xg3(@"You are the builder, of your life,g(@&your happ&}iness, and of your community.y_5(@$More the realist than the romanitic,_(@you are a sturdy, productive&}z##(@member of society.{_6(@%When less developed,you can be petty,_(@narrow-minded, and jeal&}ous.|g6(@%When at your height, your efforts areg(@#benefiting you, your neighbors, and}(@ t&}he world.~$b4(@#You have a dynamic personality. Youb(@ best express yourself using yourg5(@&}$oratical or written skills. You areg(@$the person that spreads ideas, news,]3(@"and such, but fir&}st you must learn](@that change brings progress.d4(@#You must learn to let go of things,d(@"&}such as the past. Your temper cana.(@manifest itself in passionatea(@%displays. You may also be impu&}lsive.e6(@%Nevertheless, you will find happinesse(@!spreading the words, the words of%%(@c&}hange and progress.$e4(@#You are the signpost, the guardian.e(@#You are trying to show the way tha& }t_3(@"those around you, and the world in_(@general, should be going. Theh6(@%Golden Rule &!}is the only code you needh(@$follow. You need beauty and harmonyc5(@$for your well-being. At your wor&"}st,c(@ you are egocentric, selfish, andz(@ worrisome.M(@$By seeking, creating, and protectin&#}gz(@beauty will you find happiness.$b2(@!You best express yourself throughb(@"silence. &$} You have many lessons toc3(@"learn, much to understand. Thingsc(@"are not always what they seem, and&%}g5(@$you must learn to discern the hiddeng(@$message. You have a high regard forc3(@"the my&&}stical and/or the spiritual.c(@"Coupled with a keen mind, you havec4(@#the potential to see and underst&'}andc(@!the complexities of life in a far))(@greater depth than most.$[,(@You are one&(} to which power,[(@!organization, and success is veryd4(@#important. However, success shouldd(@&)}"not come only to you. You believef5(@$that all should share what the worldf(@#has to offer. By ap&*}plying yourself`2(@!you can obtain those goods, which`(@ you share with those around you.e4(@&+}#On the negative side, you are pronee(@#to violent displays of anger. Whenf4(@#not following the cor&,}rect path, youf(@$can be the cause of unhappiness, forZ1(@ you and those who know you. YouZ(@&-}cannot handle failure well.\4(@#If you find your niche in life, you\(@can become a great person.&.}$e7(@&Compassion is your goal and trademark.e(@ You are seldom touched by envy, V5(@$jealo&/}usy, and derision and rarely doV(@you condemn things.`5(@$If not careful however, you can lead`(@&0}a life of disappointments anda6(@%depression. You must pour forth lovea(@into the world. You h&1}ave theH3(@"potential to attain life's highestH(@ideals.$Šӭg5(@$You a&2}re the pioneer, the leader, theg(@$captain. You are highly original andf6(@%creative and you possess th&3}e drive tof(@"put your ideas into practice. Youi6(@%are highly ambitious. Sometimes, youri(@&4}%ambition can get the most of you, andg6(@%you become hasty and domineering. Youg(@#also tend to be cri&5}tical but unable,,(@to take criticism yourself.$d3(@"More the follower than the leader,d(@&6}#you provide steady, quiet help. Youd3(@"are best suited to executing plansd(@#rather than creatin&7}g them. You trya3(@"to maintain harmony. Without beinga(@ agressive, you are still able toe4(@&8}#gather all that you need, includinge(@#many friends. You are possessed ofc1(@ charm and courtesy.&9} You are alsoc(@$highly independent, self-sufficient.$\.(@You are the pinnacle of self-\(@&:} expression. You see life with anb4(@#unclouded vision. You are amazinglyb(@ versatile, so versatile&;} that youe3(@"may have trouble choosing just onee(@$talent to highlight. You can acquired7(@&<}&knowledge quite easily without seriousd(@study. You are highly sociable,g7(@&making it easy for peop&=}le to like you,g(@"except those who do not understand_4(@#you. You have a way with words that_(@&>}may serve you well as writer,b5(@$teacher, or entertainer. You are notb(@truly happy unless you ar&?}e withR4(@#someone who takes you seriously andR(@understands you.$g6(@%Growth is the &@}only thing possible forg(@#you. You are a practical, organizedd3(@"worker. Method and logic are yourd&A}(@#tools. You may restrict yourself byi7(@&your strict conservatism. You are ablei(@$to visual&B}ize the concepts of artistst7(@&and architects well, then execute themd(@in your own way. You are high&C}lyt( dependable.$c6(@%You feel life is one great adventure.c(@Because of this, you value your&D}e4(@#freedom to explore it. You are alsoe(@#highly intellectual and a master off3(@"words, bo&E}th written and spoken.Youf(@%would do well as a teacher, lecturer,g4(@#or a brilliant entertainer. Coup&F}ledg(@%with your sharp wit,you can be highlyc0(@sarcastic and humorous. Expressc(@%yourself &G}in the best way possible and''(@you should be content.$e4(@#You have the distinction of being a&H}e(@#teacher. Not neccesarily in school,d3(@"but a teacher of life. Philosophy,d(@#harmony, an&I}d beauty are all part of`6(@%your lesson plan and a neccesary part`(@of you and your suroundings.i5&J}(@$You have a deep appreciation for thei(@&arts and music.In these fields you areg6(@%either c&K}reator or connoiseur.Yours isg(@#a great burden, but you are a great(@ humanitarian.$e6(@&L}%You have a keen,analytical mind whiche(@!seeks the answers, the underlyingj6(@%meaning to everyth&M}ing around you.Yourj(@&probings may center about those things`6(@%occult.You have a reserved manner but&N}`(@you are still respected. Youb3(@"appreciate, indeed need, the finerb(@!things in life, su&O}ch as good art.]5(@$You have many obstacles to encounter](@and many lessons to learn.$i6(@&P}%Efficient and capable, you can obtaini(@%a life of prosperity. You are able toi5(@$understand and&Q} sympathize with humani(@&nature. You possess a lot of authorityd6(@%and are happy when in control of s&R}omed(@ large endeavor. You may overworkf3(@"yourself and be a bit dictatorial.f(@%You must le&S}arn to curb or control theg4(@#destructive forces which lie withing(@%you. You can contribute the most &T}when V5(@$putting an effort into the practicalV(@advancement of man. $b0(@You may spen&U}d your life seekingb(@$answers to the intangible questions.g7(@&You understand the value of service to&V}g(@"others. You strive for perfection.f5(@$You understand the need for silence.f(@#You are als&W}o extremely sensitive toh7(@&everything around you. This allows youh(@#to be highly perceptive. You hav&X}e ag4(@#tendency to fly to the heights theng(@%plunge into the depths. You cannot be44(@#li&Y}mited. You will live a full life.$̠ӭ"e2(@!Now is the time for you start newe(@&Z}%things. Go after the things you want.#%%(@Take the initiative.$$,b2(@!This is the time to follo&[}w ratherb(@"than lead. Cooperation is the key-]2(@!here. Things started continue to](@slowl&\}y grow. Cultivate them..$6b1(@ Lots of social activities ahead.b(@#Try not to scatter your energies&]} to7[5(@$widely. This is a time to be happy,[(@express the joy of life.8$@S+(#Time to face real&^}ity. You must workS(#hard and extra responsibilities mayA(come your way.B$Jb2(@!This is a time to go p&_}laces, haveb(@"new experiences. Be ready for theKO4(@#unexpected and open yourself to newO(@ &`}perspectives.L$Td5(@$Things are settling down. Accent ond(@!steady friendships. You may findU5(&a}@$yourself working in a group project.g(@$You may be inclined to go along with(@ the crowd.V&b}$^g5(@$This is time best spent by yourself.g(@$Examine yourself, meditate. Rely on_c/(@you&c}r inner strength and faith.c(@&Tomorrow brings new and better things.`$hi6(@%If you've earned it, re&d}cognition willi(@%come to you. Think big and aim high.id6(@%Now is the time to better your statusd(@&e} both financially and materially.j$rk7(@&Now is the time to wrap up loose ends,k(@&end old pr&f}ojects and get ready for newsf4(@#ones. You can afford to give. Payf(@$attention to what is going on a&g}roundtX4(@#you and you will realize the commonX(@humanity we all share.u$D2:NUMBERS.BASSIO$z*+,CWAVEMULSCALDELAWAVEPLAYFILEFR@*i} SOUND CREATORBY JEFFREY SUMMERS$$(C) 1989 ANTIC PUBLISHING, INCc B*j}dw @,@@01/A@0;@O-@Ap,@%@b&@$8,t w$1*k} +@'0@@1@K,@'/@@`9,@@0K/A@0 *l} A** "dd Harmonic lay wave raw wave=) !ave wave oad wave lear wave= uantize xit;#@*m}@K:0)@;@"@eA "@A0$"@hA@."@*n}AP8"@vA`="@gAp>"@A?#"@i+# B B A*o} 3 A & Harmonic multiple: 3@8 A ! 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PRUITT(C) ANTIC.} PUBLISHING, INC BP BK +@$'0@A0@@K@H6-A.}'@+6-A'@.:6-@H6-A`'3-A`&6-%$G:,36-&$E:,$68,-6.}%'68,-6%'.6-%@ 876-P:A $H:,,76-P:A$H:,,B6-P:$H:,%@,.}L!6-+8,%,$!6-+8,%,$V ,6-6-` F:B2y,"@Bj"F:B2y,"@" A0t".}F:B2y,"@" AP A i A@@8@@P:i(@>:@',C.}>:,>:@, (@>:@',D>:@,>:@,>:@$,>:@2,>:@@,>:@H,>:@V.},>:@d,>:@r,>:, %%6-F:@,%F:@,$AV (( @>:@',A>:@, '-.}@#'6-%A $& 96.>:,*67A ,.>:,967@,.0 k6-?:C:,<:.}@',K>:@d,>:@,Q k(@>:@',@: AdAUD $,F:B2y,"@" B.}, A0 A@B67@,.D:)67B:,%@,.B67B:,%@,..PIC%%6-F:@,%AV$F:@.},/ AP@@/@/!6-?:C:,<@<<Av,,@/$@ B'.}J(-@@(( DISK ERROR.<-@A@ J BpA +@$'0@A0@.}@z AP F:B2y,"@B"F:B2y,"@" A0 A` ' +AR.}@'4-@@4($'e-@@4(|THE ULTIMATE CHAOS GAME!|F-@.}@e(| by Roger A. Pruitt |.'4-@@4(8'*-@@*(1. Creat.}e Chaos.B'*-@@*(2. Load Picture.L'<-@@<(!Select option by pressing 1 or 2.V'dAd.}AU'A9A@dF)@d @I)!@PBp`'3-@)-@@.}/(3 j'1-@@-(Input picture name1t'+"@P6-@!6.+ A`~'6-@6..}'_ B@-@@C(Give number of sides of polygonGS @_6-@'4!@!-@@.}*( 4 B@'E BP-@@A(Give scale factor ( >0 TO 1 )E'B+,)+!@,/-@.}@8( B BP' B'FAR@'-@@F(To print presskey.';-@.}@;(!To save to disk presskey.'>-@@ >($To quit holdand press.';-@.}@#;( To create CHAOS presskey.'"F:B2y,"@" A0' Bnhh;A,;A@,;@.},;@,;@9,;@9,;@9,9@,9@,nmm67@,.ZhhхhЅhhΩ͢ԕi(.}ֱ*iΐiЅԐn 67@,. хͥ(Я`n.@.@@.}K:n116.'hhh BhEhDhIhH VԠ`n116.'hhh BhEhDhIhH VԠ`o$ D2:CHA.}OS.BAS%"CCSIZTXYXYXYDXARSDBNAMESCREEIDUMMYLDRSVR,  2 XYXYCHAOS GAME DEMONSTRATIONBY ROGER A. PRUITT$$(C2}) 1989 ANTIC PUBLISHING, INCdK +@$'0@A0@@K@n76-P:AP$H:2},,76-P:AP$H:,,x%%6-P:@$H:,%@,+"@6-'@+6-'@5"@2}'6-+A%,'@56-'@?"@'6-+AY%,'@?6-+A%,'@ ,6-6-2} A  D2:GASKET.BASCHAOS GAME DEMONSTRATIONBY ROGER A. PRUITT$$(C0#qdX; "PCPRINT"nX; BY: JOHN WESTxX; 5-24-89 X; (c) 1989, ANTIC PUBLISHINGX;X;ASM,6},#D:PCPRINT.COMX;X;SAVE#D:PCPRINT.M65X;"X;CHANGE CTRL-M,CTRL-J INTO 155X;EIX; ZPAGEHATABS;6};START OF HNDLER ;TABLEX;INITIALSTART"X;,$>6X;@ FINDPJQHATABS9;;FIND THETR> P;;PRINT HANDLER^6}FCHANGEPUT;;TABLE BYh2;;LOOKING FORr2;;THE LETTER 'P'.|2 HFINDPX; CHANGEPUTQHATABS9;;KEEP THE OLD6}PZPAGE;;TABLE ADDRESSQHATABS9;;INTO PAGEPZPAGE;;ZERO ANDQ>4NEWTABLE;;PUT MYPHATABS9;;TABLE ADDRSS6}Q>5NEWTABLE;;INTO THEPHATABS9;;HNDLER TABLE%>X; MOVELOOPQ@ZPAGE7;;COPY ALL THEPNEWTABLE8;;OTHER H6}NDLER&1;;ADDRESSES INTO0)>;;MY TABLE, AND: HMOVELOOPD%>NQ>4NEWPUT;;THEN PUT MYX;;;PUT-BYTEbS>;;ADDRESS I6}NlPNEWTABLE8;;ITv Q>5NEWPUTS>PNEWTABLE8:X;X; NEWTABLE == PUTBYTE ====6}X;X; NEWPUTR> ;;CHEK FOR CTRL-MHNOT13;;IF NOT, CONT Q>;;IF SO, CHANGE!REALPRINT;;TO 0 AND DONE  NOT16}3*R> ;;CHEK FOR CTRL-J4FSKIPJMP;;IF SO, NOT DONE>!REALPRINT;;IF NOT, DONEH SKIPJMPRQ>;;CHANGE CTRL-J\!REALP6}RINT;;INTO 155fX;pREALPRINT;REGULAR ADDRESSz!;;OF PUT-BYTEX;X;CAUSE PROGRAM TO STARTX;WHEN IT IS LOADED6} INITIALSTARTPRINT"nX; BY: JOHN WESTxX; 5-24-89 X; (c) 1989, ANTIC PUBLISHINGX;X;ASM,411.7020813.470356712.963167111.589079111.117633712.047417613.239504913.129633511.35370919.234349028.6410501310.262:}673312.897421914.441224513.69337311.34488939.268470458.790924019.553272379.997218698.990559727.039259965.92078148:}7.052035810.113.139676414.246100213.086346511.07748959.9972186910.351788811.009349510.41201768.201287975.70449831:}4.794931086.164246318.6124244610.03613069.234349026.896763344.893731834.54876815.498705486.180237645.455418413.823:}834373.056042874.56164018811.438359812.943957112.176165610.54458159.8197623610.501294511.451231911.10626819.10323:}6666.765650985.963869377.387575549.8357536911.205068910.29550167.798712035.587982394.990650415.648211136.00278131:}4.922510422.913653481.753899722.860323545.98.947964210.07921858.960740047.009440286.002781316.446727637.209075996:}.731529554.655110672.306626931.558775463.102578075.737326647.358949876.765650984.646290822.870366412.760495083.952:}582384.882366284.410920893.036832872.529643294.29792817613.239504913.129633511.35370919.234349028.6410501310.2628<11.193669213.7888249151514.795742713.159850911.22812289.506023078.3742480888.314597769.059871769.8854965810.4651>}98110.595742710.24968029.568478128.801846248.2156778188.207036588.738615069.385392089.9032234310.19.903223439.38>}5392088.738615068.2070365888.215677818.801846249.5684781210.249680210.595742710.46519819.885496589.059871768.3145>}977688.374248089.5060230711.228122813.159850914.7957427151513.788824911.193669284.806330712.211175030.66486177>}0.362102591.204257262.840149014.771877186.493976937.6257519287.685402246.940128246.114503425.534801835.404257265.>}750319796.431521887.198153767.7843221987.792963427.261384946.614607926.096776575.96.096776576.614607927.26138494>}7.7929634287.784322197.198153766.431521885.750319795.404257265.534801836.114503426.940128247.6854022487.62575192>}6.493976934.771877182.840149011.204257260.362102590.664861772.211175034.806330718597769.059871769.8854965810.4651<Zsues datedprior to August 1984 were reproducedfrom ANTIC's Archive. We've updatedthem from our HELP columns andmost are }compatible with the XL andXE machines. We have worked to insurethat our programs operate aspublished, but we consider all }oursoftware listings to be works inprogress which we encourage you topersonalize and enhance.Good luck, and ENJOY! } -ANTIC EDgs to be works inprogress which we encourage you topersonalize and enhance.Good luck, and ENJOY!